The Work
Breakthrough work that serves as both crucible and sanctuary for aiding us to function optimally in every area of our life
Masters Center for Transformation
Providing steppingstones and expert guidance for the
inevitably slippery slopes of personal, relational, and spiritual evolution
The Blog
More sustenance for the journey, bite-size and otherwise

Thanks to the Ford-Kavanaugh hearing, the MeToo movement is morphing into a tsunami, as it must in order to have its needed impact. More than silences must be broken...

Once we realize that we, like everyone else, have a shadow, and don’t take this as some sort of shortcoming, we are in a position to do more with our shadow than just...

If you’re not afraid, it’s not your edge. If you’re not resistant, it’s not your edge. If you can coast through it, it’s not your edge. If you’re not feeling raw, it’s not your edge. If you’re trying to fit yourself into...
When your longing to be truly free is allowed
to be more central than your longing
to distract yourself from your suffering,
you are on your way Home.